Protecting your privacy with the ISO 27701 standard

We are the first Travel Management Company of the Netherlands to have obtained the ISO certificate 27701:2019 for the entire organisation. With this certificate we meet the standards that stem from the international privacy laws from various countries in the world, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are proud of this! With us you can be confident that we will handle your privacy with care and respect your rights.

VCK Travel complies with the most current privacy standards

Not only do we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European privacy legislation as of 25th May 2018, but we now also possess the ISO 27701 certificate. With this certificate we have demonstrated that we can protect customers’ personally identifiable information and also demonstrated that privacy-sensitive information is handled carefully.

We are known for our transparency and concern for privacy. Over the past years it has already become apparent that VCK Travel had largely integrated privacy into its information security activities. It was therefore desirable to obtain independent proof of this in the form of an ISO standard, this was achieved in early 2021.

ISO 27701, the standard for privacy information is an extension of ISO 27001, the standard for information security. Privacy is a fundamental right and it is about individuals remaining in control of their data and third parties not using or processing this data in an unsolicited manner. The purpose of ISO 27701 is to set up a privacy information management system and to continuously improve it. This helps to control privacy risks.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires companies to take the necessary measures for the proper processing (sharing and storage) and security of privacy-sensitive personal data.

In the privacy policy you can read how we deal with your privacy sensitive data and what your rights are within this area.

ISO 27701

The Personal Touch
of Eric van Denderen, Commercial Director

"Want to reduce your travel costs? You can! Just ask us to optimise your processes, and experience the most efficient way to travel. That is guaranteed to save you money! I’d be happy to advise you"